Are the Kässämessut netissä -online fair event, Kankaiden yö, or Paapii fabric's popup the highlight of the year? On this page, you will find events related to sewing and dressing, where Paapii is involved. Mark the important dates in your calendar and get inspired by high-quality fabrics and Finnish clothing.
Kässämessut netissä -Finnish virtual Handicraft fair event 20.-22.9.2024
Seinäjoen Käsityömessut - Handicraft fair event in Seinäjoki, Finland 4.-6.10.2024
Oulun Kädentaitomessut - Handicraft fair event in Oulu, Finland 12.-13.10.2024
Finnish Craft and Design Fair in Tampere 15.-17.11.2024